In order to accommodate Mac users OS2 users and Dos Dinosaurs the program is a simple EXE dos-type file. Windows users will automatically spawn a dos-prompt screen as in older programs. In order to run the program requires one thing: A file, in the same directory entitled "REPORT.TXT". Without this file you will get an ERROR 53. If the file is corrupt, or tampered with you could get an ERROR 62. In either case, recopy the REPORT.TXT from your mail and try again. It is recommended that you keep that file unaltered until you have finished your turn. In all cases you should be able to (at the end of the program, before stating that there is noting else to do) press [PRINT SCREEN] for a screen dump. The screen starts with what you have available at the beginning of the turn. You may progress to the casualty screen (for easy maintenance of troops) or (as in your first turn) skip this and move on to the spy/hero section. At any time you can enter UNCIVIL and get an update of how much you have spent and have left. It shouldn't be necessary though. If you make a mistake the computer should allow you to correct it there and then (I cant check every mistake possible, so keep your eyes open) However this is not true with upgrades...The way that troops get deleted, paid for twice and upgraded (along with my time constraints and meagre programming skills) does not allow for this you can upgrade two lots of LCP (say you hit 100 instead of 1000, no problem...hit an extra 900) but if you upgrade 500 too many..sorry,but you will have to restart the program. This shouldn't happen unless you are mad anyway. (Like me on my first run through... :) ) The rest is self explanatory... The ability to change resources is there purely if a strange thing happens, or if you find a cache or gain a wont normally hit it... so just hit enter and move on... (The only place where hitting enter doesn't move you on is the research screen where an active "Y": is required).... OK, so the same goes with your present troops...only if you gain extra will you use the sheet... otherwise just have a look and a smile...and hit enter. Play around with the program... have a copy of your report safely tucked away and you can always fetch a new copy of the program if it comes to that... so dont fear anything... Report any bugs... but one thing is for real... if there are bugs...then they will aid you as much as your enemy...and are, for the balance of the reported and fixed...such shows of honesty rarely go unnoticed and that strange land across the seas could lose a gold laden ship upon your rocky shore. If you get any error...please write down the error number and what you were doing at the time... Thanks. Mike