In war, as in peace, flexing ones muscles can take on many meanings. Here we handle the nuances of Spying, assassinations, moving your treasuries, bribing those pesky enemy soldiers and finally that dreaded word for an ex-con. .Diplomacy. Especially when that bastard next to you was your hated cell-neighboiur...or your warden..or perhaps you were a warden..and he wants your liver with some Faber beans?
SPIES [SPY {Location} {New location}{New Location etc....
Information is everything. Especially when you have learnt how to combat chariots and its all you are facing. Knowing the other areas strengths means quick kills can be easily taken and funds gleaned for army expansion. Spies are utilised for this purpose. Each team starts with 30 spies but a minimum of ten must work together for a decent report. More spies will give more information. A spy is an expensive piece of equipment considering he is only one man. He rides the best horse, gets danger pay and needs a supply of expensive make-up. It is still not without dangers. A spy has a chance of being found out, captured or killed. He must return to owned land to file his report. Population density, armies and acceptance all play a role. Per 50000 people in the land (excluding the army) there is a 5% chance.
A Spy costs 10gp to train, and 10gp a month. You will be able to recruit 5 spies per country owned, a turn.
Additionally, if you are on good terms with your neighbour, you could have spies in his country with no fear of capture...why they are only sock merchants afterall.
If, however, there are anti-spying spies, like the CIA, in place, then for each 10 CIA the enemy gets +5% chance for capture.
However, for every 10 spies above and beyond an initial ten the final number is reduced buy 5%.
EXAMPLE: In a country of 300 000 people (Way more than normal), Ajax-Drain-O sends 40 spies to spy it out. Little does he know that 30 CIA spies are resident. The chance for capture is ((6*5)+15-15)) = 30%
Each army has a treasury at their first country. This is moved at the same time as an army. An invading army will capture your treasury if they capture the country in which it resides. However for its protection you can move it to a safer location. If captured, you will start the next turn with no treasury and only your income and no recruits. You seem, recruits follow your cash. If your treasury falls, it will fall before your recruits have been issued with kit and mustered into units. They will be captured by the enemy. The treasury is moved by land and may not be moved over enemy land. It can move a distance of 3 countries a turn. If transported by ship, a treasury is assumed to be split equally amongst all ships (Not Horse-Barges). For each ship sunk you will lose that % of your treasury. It is assumed to take no space.
TRAITORS [BRIBE {Location}{Troop type; number of troops} {price}
Neutral troops can be turned against their natural country whilst warring troops can only with difficulty. There is a chance against each bribe not working and the troops have a party with your money.
Failure rates:
Owned by another Player God. 90%
Hateful 80%
Average 60%
Tolerant 40%
Friendly 20%
For the feelings between those listed above...(Like semi-friendly) Assume the most favourable %.
The minimum bribe is double the soldiers normal rate of pay.
For each multiple of the soldiers pay that is paid (Triple pay being one better) That chance drops by 5%.
Bribed soldiers immediately form part of your unit and from then on operate as if they were your own.
There are two different types of bribes. Firstly, you can enter a hero, or unit into an area bearing gold...and try. Using all of the bribed troops to invade that country at the same time and killing of any you didn't want, or who kept your cash. Yes, if the bribe fails.. the troops keep the cash.
The second is that you bribe from an adjacent country and have those bribed soldiers come over the border.. you can then march them elsewhere. However, bribing another's troops is a sure way to get invaded.
"You can observe a lot just by watching. " Yogi Berra, New York Yankees